Kristen Tallon

Kristen Tallon is an improviser, actor and writer born and raised in Chicago. You can catch Kristen performing with her iO Harold Team "Night Nurse," her Playground Theater team "Mud," and the second Saturday of every month in "Dear Diarrhea" at iO. She also tours the US and Canada with her two-person team, Mr. Beaver and plays all over Chicago with her badass all-female indie teams Mahalibaes and Tilda. Other careers highlights include playing The Director of Tourism for Budlight’s Whatever, USA, and starring in a commercial for Comcast Sports Net and The Chicago Bulls. Kristen is the proud co-producer of the long-running all-female variety hour, BOSS Ladies Night, at The Annoyance Theater in Chicago, along with Amy Haeussler. This show highlights women in the Chicago comedy community, and provides them with a supportive environment in which to test their limits and latest material. Follow her on twitter @KrisTallon